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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Format Corrupted Memory Card (MMC) Tested Working 1000%

MCFixer Application to Fix Corrupted MMC

Download MCFixer Here

First Unpack zip file. it contains 2 files i.e. MCFIXER.r01 and MCFIXER.APP
copy files to phone memory and run MCFIXER.APP, then follow below steps written in Usage Section.

What is MCFixer? well quite simply if you have ever managed to corrupt your MMC, Format it NTFS/FAT32. You will find that the N-Gage just refuses to work with it. This Symbian (.sis) app sits in your phones user memory (only 31k).

Tutorial(purtroppo in inglese):


Following are described the steps needed to carry through the memory card recovery:
Warning: Read all the steps before starting the procedure.

1º - Make sure that there’s no important data in the card that have no backup of
which in another physical media, therefore the card will be completely erased.

2º - The MCFixer came in a .sis installation file that can be installed from the
N-Gage application manager. For such, is necessary that .sis installation file be
copied for the N-Gage (memory card or internal memory). Any of the common ways of
transmission can be used (ie. send by mail, Bluetooth, memory card...). After
installation the .sis file can be deleted if needed.

3º - IMPORTANT: The MCFixer must be installed in the device's INTERNAL MEMORY (not
in memory card). In the current version it occupies only 31Kb, then this should not be
a problem. Any way, make sure that there’s available space for the installation.

4º - After the MCFixer installation, the program can be accessed from the device's
menu. When the program is opened the current selected drive can be seen in the status
bar (E.g.: "Current drive: E:"). Make sure that the selected drive is the memory card.
In the case it it's not, the correct drive can be chosen from menu:
"Options->Select drive". In N-Gage, E: is usually the memory card drive.

5º - The card restore process is done by the Wizard in 4 steps:
1 - Find card's first sector.
2 - Find card's last sector.
3 - Write card's boot sector
4 - Format card.
To start the wizard, select the menu item: "Options->Fix MC Wizard->Start wizard"
The application have another options that are mere informative and they do not modify
the device or memory card, except the item: "Options->Format drive" that obviously
formats currently selected drive and erases all its data.

6º - To execute each wizard step, select the menu item:
"Options->Fix MC Wizard->Execute". To cancel the wizard execution select:
"Options->Fix MC Wizard->Cancel". The execution can be cancelled in any step of
wizard, however, steps 1 and 2 do not modify the card. In the other hand, after the
step 3 execution the card is already modified and is recommended that wizard is executed
until the end.

7º - Close the MCFixer selecting "Exit" option and restart the device.


Thank you for reading and commenting.